CKA Junior Development Team Meeting

Thursday 1st August 7.30pm


Present             Liv, Lee, Simon, Chris, Mineke, Sijbren, Liz


Apologies          Mike


Matters Arising

1.        Posters to be distributed for start of school term - need alteration of slips.

2.       Permission to play slip completed to be filed; as best method is email/newsletter.

3.       Feedback from coaches of club school link shared key points: to give coaches lists of children age/experience/number before the day, so appropriate planning can be done. Idea to link in a local event for development. Coaches also felt timetable for eves was too full.

4.       Cambridge Knights name chosen. CKA are not to give a ball for naming juniors. No one in particular chose this name so in effect no ball needed.

5.       Perse Astroturf availability can be confirmed when we give exact times, Liv to find out cost.

6.       Registration Form Sijbren to update to include medical details.


National League Points

Need to earn 20 NL points for Cambridge City NL team. (4pts National youth day/ BKA Cup, 2pts other matches.) Liz to distribute forms to coaches. Liv to check whether U13 in league can earn points.


National Youth Day

In Cambridge 6/7/03. Venue is needed. (16 pitches, good parking, toilets etc.) If possible in Cambridge. Liv to check with Perse and City Sports Development Team.


Cambridge Tournament Feedback

Coaches not happy with lack of schedule and need for junior teams to provide referees & feel not a good idea to have seniors and juniors at same tournament.


CitySport 10.02 - 5.03

To offer 2 courses: 6th, 13th, 20th October & 12th, 19th, 26th Jan Liv to notify Rick and CitySport.


Teams/Coaches 2002-2003

U13 Lee & Reda, U13 Sijbren, U11 Simon & Mineke, U7/9 possibly Dave Sheldon



Proposed expenditure shown. Sportyco quote means there is more to spend. Adjustments made. Aim to return all NKA posts. Liv to amend equipment list & send out new version, splitting CKA used from school used equipment.

Liz to sort out short post at Newnham Croft.

Liv to ask CKA to pay for lost base (Duxford).

Liv to draw up contract for schools which hire equipment.




Koffball misprint to be left.

More U9 shirts are needed. Liv to ask CKA.


Termly fee

Termly fee of £35 to be introduced. 20 children would need to sign up to cover estimated hall fees. To be paid on Sept 1st, Jan 1st, May 1st. Liz to draw up letter detailing payments, organise receipts and look into direct debits.


Club organisation

Need a secretary preferably 2 minutes/match. All representatives to ask at own clubs.


Matches 2002 - 2003

Sijbren to investigate league with Norwich & Milton Keynes. Liz to discuss with Liz J possibility of school team.

Liz to organise tournament in Sept/Oct for Cambridge Schools, Milton Keynes, Norwich, Nottingham & Knights U13s. Date to be confirmed when booking with Perse EA Cup dates known.

Mineke to sort dates for Ritola visit and tournament in May.



Liv to give Simon contact details for David Baker (Perse). Simon to discuss storage with him.



One to be produced in Aug and next in Sept. Sijbren & Mineke require info to be included eg team selection etc.



1.        Liz to draw up list of younger siblings for possible recruitment.

2.       University playscheme idea to do it in 1st week of September. Liv to organise volunteer helpers.

3.       Suggestion to have break in middle of meeting or have a definite finish time. (No decision made.)

4.       Social to be planned for Sept/Oct.


Next Meeting

Thursday 29th August 7.30pm, Liv's house. (Items for discussion to Liv early so agenda can be circulated early.)


Meeting closed at 11.10pm.